Nova Scotiable 4
Be part of the discussion
How to participate
- Send us your clip in advance.
- Pre-record a discussion with us.
- Join the conversation LIVE on Zoom
Zoom In to chat. ZOOM® LINK
Meeting ID: 913 8760 0352Passcode: 276933
We need community participation to make this show successful. To this end we are working on new weekly segments such as “Sport Shorts” with Mike Gautreau and a fashion segment called “Cat Chat” with the talented Cathryn Tracey.
Do you have an interesting hobby or are very knowledgeable about a certain topic that effects Nova Scotia? Then there is a TV segment waiting for you.
Terms & Conditions:
Reports that contain profanity or inappropriate content will not be accepted. Please present yourself in an appropriate manner for an audience that includes all ages. Your videos will be branded with the appropriate Wild Lupin Media and markings for viewer continuity. WLM is not responsible for any harm or damages of any type of form that occur while someone is acting on behalf of WLM has final say on what reports are and are not accepted where the content is a direct reflection of its ethics and mandate.
Special thanks to Robert Campbell of Campbell & Green who joined the show to spread the word of the Canadian Musicians Support Fund petition.
And for providing the music for the show!
Private message or email us at if you have an idea for a weekly show segment or want to become a Community Correspondent.