Nova Scotiable 7

Episode 7 of Nova Scotia’s LIVE online TV Talk Show

[countdown date=2021/03/14-14:00:00] Just [timer] until air time. [/countdown]

ZOOM IN to be on the show LIVE or message me to pre-record a segment and let's bring Nova Scotia to the world.

Meeting Link
Meeting ID: 983 2706 2698
Passcode: 380078

  • Local Sports
  • Community Events
  • Music in Nova Scotia
  • Dance, Finance,
  • Real Estate, investing
  • Is fashion your passion!
  • COVID Issues etc..

Consider being a show sponsor;

Sport Shorts Segments

It's really too bad there aren't any Nova Scotian's that care about SPORTS. YAH RIGHT!!!

Now's the time to ZOOM® IN to let everyone know about what's happening in the local Nova Scotian sports scene.

The Facebook video will be available here when the show goes live.

The Nova Scotiable, Episode 7, March 14th 2021. Nova Scotia’s online community TV talk show.

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