Nova Scotiable 11

Episode 11 of Nova Scotia’s LIVE online TV Talk Show

[countdown date=2021/04/11-14:00:00] Just [timer] until air time. [/countdown]

in this weeks episode

01:40​ – We pay tribute to Prince Phillip and his wonderful sense of humour.

03:20​ – I Dig Gardening segment by Barbara Nicholls ❤️

05:08​ – The New Glasgow Farmers Market needs your help to raise the barn.

07:22​ – I talked to Marc Sauvé the owner of The Comedy Cove HRM for this week's focus on Busine$$ segment.

12:51​ – Thanks to Gramie D. for joining me in the studio for the second half of the show.  Find out more about what he's up to with Antivirus.​

16:16​ – Laura Titus posted a beautiful picture from Yarmouth.

17:12​ – We are gearing up for a second episode of “A Parent Chats”.

This community TV talk show uses ZOOM® to engage in LIVE conversations or pre-recorded segments and provides a way to bring Nova Scotia to the world.

On the table

What are you cooking? We are nosey and want to know what you are putting on the table.

Consider being a show sponsor;

Watch the show here!

This webshow is also available on YouTube.

We want to feature what you do.

SPORT SHORTS – Are you a local sports enthusiast? You can help keep our viewers informed.

Tell everyone what you know and become a show regular, kick starting your media career. 

Have a unique or interesting Nova Scotian business our viewers should know about? 

Now's the time to ZOOM® IN to let everyone know about what your doing and how they can get your product or service.

From green bin cleaning to fashion and food, we want to feature you on this show.

Nova Scotiable Talk Show Episode 11 – An original Community TV Production.

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