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Nova Scotiable 16

Episode 16 of Nova Scotia’s LIVE online TV Talk Show

[countdown date=2021/05/16-15:00:00] Just [timer] until air time. [/countdown]

Watch the show here!

The video will be available to watch here once we go live.

We want to feature what you do.

BEHIND THE BEER – Our virtual show allows for BTB segments which can be any of the following.

  • Pre-recorded Zoom interviews with owners or knowledgable beer connoisseurs.
  • Send in your videos of you and your friends sampling your favorites at home.
  • Our own home tasting segments.

Have fun and help out others who are trying to decide what local brew to buy.

Tell everyone what you know and become a show regular, kick starting your media career. 

Have a unique or interesting Nova Scotian business our viewers should know about? 

Do you have a local business who you feel deserves your praise or a positive shout out?

Send us your video or the link to one and we will use it on the show.

Now's the time to ZOOM® IN to let everyone know about what your doing and how they can get your product or service.

From green bin cleaning to fashion and food, we want to feature you on this show.

Nova Scotiable Talk Show Ep16 – An original NSLive.tv Community TV Production.

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