The Nova Scotiable Show 31

🙂 So many great Nova Scotians, so little air time! 🙂🎥

Tony Trimper from the Callehan band is back on the show talking about their latest song “Girls Don't Get It” and how they have turned it into a drive to help out a local charity.

Sign up for the charity drive and Tony will donate $1 for each subscriber.

Adsum shelters and houses as many as 170 people each day and more than 350 persons in a year, at an Adsum location. Hundreds more are supported in the community, by the housing team, to find safe and affordable homes with ongoing services for stable housing, food, clothing and connection.

This episode is LIVE, living up to our brand name

If you have any suggestions for people, groups or other organizations you would like to see featured on the show, email Brian C. at

[countdown date=2022/04/16-10:00:00] Just  [timer] until air time. [/countdown]
Watch the show here for free once it goest LIVE on

Nova Scotiable Episodes

The (s)Nova Scotiable Show 34

Join Brian Sea as he talks about missing groundhogs and some other interesting topics from the past week.

Groundhog Day & Food Events

Episode 33 of the Nova Scotiable show features Groundhog day and a look at Fire & Ice 2012 from the Archives.

The Nova Scotiable Show 31

This episode features Tony Trimper of the Callehan band, their new song and how they are helping out a local charity. Only on

This episode features Tony Trimper of the Callehan band, their new song and how they are helping out a local charity. Only on

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