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Nova Scotiable Show 25

With a new format for 2022, this info show is a great way to feature Nova Scotians.

I'm always searching around social media for interesting Nova Scotians and I really hit the jackpot when it came to guests for this show.

First up are Tony Trimper and Brian Doucette, two great friends, musicians and songwriters who put together a historical song about how the term “Boxing Rock” came to be.

With the support of the Boxing Rock Brewery they produced a music video to go with the song performed by Tony's band Callehan.

Tammie Smith joins me to talk about the Advocates for Angels in Motion Fundraising Society and all her good work helping those in need in her community.

You can help Tammie and the society by making a donation or attending their unique annual Craft and Vendor Show which is followed the next day by the Greenwich Fire Hall's community appreciation BBQ. Another super fun event the society is known for is it's 80's Dance Party which is coming up on April 9th. 

Get out and enjoy these events and help Tammie, help those in need around her.

If you have any suggestions for people, groups or other organizations you would like to see featured on the show, email Brian C. at

[countdown date=2022/03/28-13:00:00] Just [timer] until air time. [/countdown]
Watch the show here once it goes live.

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Nova Scotiable Episodes

This show features three amazing Nova Scotians, one is providing much needed help to people in her community and the other two just published a fun music video that features a touch of local history.

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