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Thane Dunn Brings Elvis to NS

🙂 So much great talent, so little air time! 🙂 🎥

On this episode, I had the opportunity to chat with Thane Dunn to talk about his upcoming performances in Nova Scotia which is part of his ongoing “Elvis Greatest Hits” tour which has taken him and the Cadillac Kings to North Bay Ontario and will conclude with a grand finale in Halifax on July 24th at the Dalhousie Arts Centre.

Thane is an amazing Elvis impersonator channeling his inner Elvis and also brings a healthy dose of his own personality to the stage, the combination makes for an amazing show you don't want to miss. Note: No clog dancing allowed. LOL.

See his website for more information and his upcoming “Elvis Summer Festival” performances.

[countdown date=2022/04/16-10:00:00] Just  [timer] until air time. [/countdown]
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Nova Scotiable Show Episodes

The (s)Nova Scotiable Show 34

Join Brian Sea as he talks about missing groundhogs and some other interesting topics from the past week.

Groundhog Day & Food Events

Episode 33 of the Nova Scotiable show features Groundhog day and a look at Fire & Ice 2012 from the Archives.

The Nova Scotiable Show 31

This episode features Tony Trimper of the Callehan band, their new song and how they are helping out a local charity. Only on

Episode 27 of the Nova Scotiable Show features talented Elvis impersonator Thane Dunn. Only on

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